Para Bellum Games is a game manufacturing company whose creative branch is based in Athens, Greece.
They are the creators of Conquest whose miniature range is comprised of hard plastic miniatures and high quality resin. The entire range is based on original art created by their in house Studio. No effort has been spared to make sure that the plastic miniatures are as loyal to the art as possible, making sure it is the art that leads, and the sculptors that follow, pushing the envelope of what is possible as hard as we can.
Conquest is written by the industry’s lead game designer, Alessio Cavatore, the rules are quick and easy to learn while affording veteran players multiple levels of strategy to master. Conquest is a miniatures tabletop fantasy game that offers players the opportunity to play with two game styles.
- The Last Argument of Kings which is mass fantasy battle, rank and flank style of big table play.
- First Blood a fast paced skirmish style of game play
Both styles using the same miniatures, with free access to rule sets, army builders and our unique Living World.