QUEST AEROSPACE, a division of RCS RMC, Inc., has it's roots going back to 1957. Quest founder, Bill Stine, is the son of G. Harry Stine who is known worldwide as the 'Father of Model Rocketry' after he founded the very first model rocket company, Model Missiles, right after the launch of Sputnik in 1957 G. Harry was also the founder of the National Association of Rocketry. So Quest founder Bill Stine has been active in model rocketry all his life (he is NAR#24). Bill even authored the seventh edition of the Handbook of Model Rocketry.
In July of 2013, Quest merged with RCS Rocket Motor Components and relocated from Pagosa Springs, Colorado to Cedar City, Utah. RCS is the parent company for the famous AEROTECH brand of rocketry products and was founded by composite motor technology pioneer Gary Rosenfield. Merging Quest with RCS has created a new larger vertical rocket company that offers products from Quest Micro Rocs to the technically advanced small sounding rockets Aerotech makes. And it is run by two rocketry visionaries; Gary Rosenfield and Bill Stine. There's no limit to how far you can take your rocketry adventure!
In July of 2013, Quest merged with RCS Rocket Motor Components and relocated from Pagosa Springs, Colorado to Cedar City, Utah. RCS is the parent company for the famous AEROTECH brand of rocketry products and was founded by composite motor technology pioneer Gary Rosenfield. Merging Quest with RCS has created a new larger vertical rocket company that offers products from Quest Micro Rocs to the technically advanced small sounding rockets Aerotech makes. And it is run by two rocketry visionaries; Gary Rosenfield and Bill Stine. There's no limit to how far you can take your rocketry adventure!