- Box contents:
- 3x Keisotsu (Combi Rifle)
- 1x Oniwaban (Mono Filament CC Weapon)
- 1x Kempei Chain Of Command (Boarding Shotgun)
- 1x Ryūken Surprise Attack, camouflage (Heavy Rocket Launcher)
- 1x Ryūken Forward Deployment (Submachine Gun)
- 1x Daiyōkai (AP DC CC Weapon)
- 1x Kuroshi Rider
- 1x Kuge Delegate HVT
- 28mm scale
- Box dimensions: 9.3” W x 6.3” H x 2.5” D
- Miniatures are provided unpainted. Assembly required.
- Actual components may vary from those shown.
- This product is not a toy. Intended for persons 14 years of age or older.
There was a moment in which the proud Japanese, who had been humiliated and treated like second class citizens by the StateEmpire for far too long, rose up against their oppressors and claimed their freedom.
The Japanese Uprising was a brief but terribly intense and savage conflict, for which the Japanese paid a high price in blood for their victory, but finally managed to tear away from Yu Jing. Now, as a new member of the Non-Aligned Countries, the independent Japan is a minor power, constantly besieged by a fearsome enemy, and with allies that consider it just a way of damaging the StateEmpire.
With this Army Pack you will have all the miniatures you need to start playing with Japanese Sessionist Army (JSA), an army with an incredible charisma and lethal in short distances.

The post-Uprising Japanese society, so strongly influenced by the kuge orthodoxy that exalts bushi warriorship and its devotion to self-betterment, offers few avenues of social advancement more expedient than military service. For those on the lower rungs of the socioeconomic ladder, the most practical enlistment options are the Keisotsu Infantry Regiments (Butai). The Keisotsu are the backbone of the Japanese armed forces and the crux of their operational doctrine.
The word Keisotsu is a title of honor that translates as ‘excellent soldier,’ a credit to the level of commitment expected of these foot soldiers. Mindful of their pivotal role in the defense of their nation, Keisotsu are eager to risk their lives on the front-lines, always under the command of their bushi superiors. And risk their lives they do, given the staggering casualty rates suffered by Keisotsu regiments deployed in one ‘hot spot’ after another. But new recruits know the risks are not without their rewards: the unparalleled honor of serving their Emperor and championing the cause of their nation’s freedom and—equally importantly—guaranteed social promotion for as long as they survive the gauntlet of fire.
The Ryuken Unit-9 was created during the Uprising to serve as a Special Operations force proficient in covert and forward tactical support. As an autonomous JSA found its legs outside the StateEmpire’s power structure, it necessitated an overhaul to reallocate its newly constrained resources. The first clashes of the Uprising highlighted the JSA’s need for a tactical asset that could afford its shock troops an opportunity to close the distance with their enemies in order to exploit their superior close-combat capabilities.
The Ryuken (a word that uses the characters for ‘dragon’ and ‘sword’) was raised to address this need as a multi-purpose unit capable of both providing close-range support alongside assault troops on the advance or, alternatively, hanging back and pelting enemy positions with fire. The biggest recruiting pool for the Ryuken were the survivors from the demobilized Raiden regiment. Due to their role as specialist support, the Raiden were scattered across a number of StateEmpire Army holdings and fell easy prey to retaliatory imprisonment as the Uprising spread. There were also dealings with ninja clans loyal to the Emperor, some of whom provided the instructors the Ryuken so sorely needed to train its agents for vanguard operations. Ryuken operatives receive training in incursion, sabotage, and early hostile contact, as well as espionage and clandestine data collection. Due to the critical importance of their role, members of Unit-9 are directly accountable to the JSA Special Operations command, but otherwise exercise full discretion with regards to the requisition of materiel and transport for their mission. Ryuken enjoy a special status even among elite units, a position accompanied by what other officers see as an enviable degree of autonomy. However, many bushi look down on the Ryuken precisely because their operatives and officers are allowed to flout standard procedure and proper chain of command.